Resolve SOLIDWORKS PDM Vault Attached; Missing Information Error

Article by GoEngineer on Mar 07, 2019

SOLIDWORKS PDM local vault view located on a client’s workstation may need to be removed for troubleshooting or had been created by another user where registry keys are lost or deleted. If not all registry keys associated with a previous installation’s old vault view are removed, the user may be unable to proceed, seeing an Attached; Missing information Status on the Select vault(s) page. This article will walk you through resolving this conflict by outlining which registry keys need to be purged from the client workstation Windows registry.


  • Please reference SOLIDWORKS PDM Removing or Deleting a Local Vault View for information concerning the proper way to remove a local vault view. 
  • Never change Windows Registry values without first conversing with your IT personnel. 
  • Only purge the Windows Registry values outlined in this document. 
  • You will need to be logged into the client workstation with a user that has Local Windows Administrative permissions to the machine in order to update the registry. 
  • Verify there is no local folder (yellow folder) in the attached folder location with the same name as the vault. If so, delete or rename it.


  1. Launch the PDM View Setup wizard. 
  2. On the Select vault(s) page, you may see the following Status:

    SOLIDWORKS PDM Vault Attached; Missing Information Error

  3. Cancel the View Setup wizard.
  4. Launch Windows Registry, then browse to the following locations and delete each key associated with the vault name displaying Attached; Missing Information in the View Setup wizard:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Databases\
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\Applications\PDMWorks Enterprise\Vaults\
  5. Open Windows File Explorer and ensure a yellow local folder no longer exists in the attached folder location with the same name as the vault. If so, delete or rename it. If you cannot delete or rename this local folder contact GoEngineer Technical Support at for assistance.

    SOLIDWORKS PDM Test Vault Folder

  6. Restart/Reboot the workstation. 
  7. Rerun the PDM View Setup wizard.
  8. You should now see an OK status on the Select vault(s) window.

    Fixing the Vault Attached; Missing Information SOLIDWORKS PDM Error

Learn More About SOLIDWORKS PDM 

Allowing SOLIDWORKS PDM Users to Update Version History Comments

Sharing Your SOLIDWORKS Vault Without Sharing Licenses


Remove an Orphaned SOLIDWORKS PDM Vault from a User's Client Machine

How to Create a Sandbox Vault in SOLIDWORKS PDM 


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GoEngineer delivers software, technology, and expertise that enable companies to unlock design innovation and deliver better products faster. With more than 40 years of experience and tens of thousands of customers in high tech, medical, machine design, energy and other industries, GoEngineer provides best-in-class design solutions from SOLIDWORKS CAD, Stratasys 3D printing, Creaform & Artec 3D scanning, CAMWorks, PLM, and more

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