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How to Prevent Curling Edges in Your 3D Prints

Have you ever had the edges curl up in your 3D prints? Why does this keep happening? Typically, this happens when the...

3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Fluidics - Learn the Basics

Learn what’s involved in setting up your company's standard piping tables, specifications, and catalogs for 2D schematics and 3D.

Import Model Dimensions to SOLIDWORKS Drawing

In this video, we’ll dive into the "Use Dimension Placement in Sketch" option in SOLIDWORKS' Model Items command and show you how clearing it can...

Using Boolean Meshes in Geomagic Design X

In this video, I show how to make a simple 2-part cavity mold using the Boolean Mesh Operation function in Geomagic Design X Pro.

Prevent 3D Printing Collapse with Stabilizing Walls

Stabilizing walls is one feature you should use if your 3D prints are collapsing. Here, Jonathan explains the benefits of stabilizing walls, when you want...

What Happens if You 3D Print Ski Boots?

Is 3D printing strong enough for extreme conditions? Many people think 3D printing is limited to small, decorative objects. But what if we told you...

How to Change Units and Dimension Styles in DraftSight

Learn how to change units and dimension styles in DraftSight 2D CAD software.

2 Ways to Import CATIA V5 Models to SOLIDWORKS

There are two main ways in which you can bring CATIA V5 models into SOLIDWORKS. We'll explore both processes and the various pro's and con's...

SOLIDWORKS Tech Support Answers Questions from Reddit

Ryan Dark, director of GoEngineer Technical Support, answers your questions about SOLIDWORKS from Reddit.

What They Aren't Telling You About the F3300

The video explores hidden technologies of unknown origins: a secret project called Tarpin, also known as the F3300. It features insights from two individuals: a...

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A forum created by engineers, for engineers. Join to access industry experts and connect with the engineering community.