Creating Incremental Numbers in SOLIDWORKS Using Instances to Vary

Article by Chris Villeneuve on Feb 19, 2025

Adding numbers to a SOLIDWORKS model can be a repetitive and time-consuming process. In some cases, this process can be made easier using SOLIDWORKS pattern tools and their Instances to Vary function.  Let’s look at the setup and applications of this feature.

Linear Pattern

In this example, I have a 6” ruler that needs numbers to designate the appropriate length markings.

Add Numbers to SOLIDWORKS Ruler Model

I need to establish, numerically and spatially, where the number series should start. In this case, I will begin incrementing from the 0.5” mark and continue in half-inch increments through 5.5”. 

To accomplish this, I need to link a starting dimension value that will be incremented, to a custom property (in this case called “Start”). I will then need to link that custom property to sketch text used to emboss or etch the resulting value on the part.


  1. Create a sketch and add a dimension that will act as the starting number in your pattern. In this case “0.5”.

    Add Dimensions to a SOLIDWORKS Sketch

  2. Link that dimension to a custom property.

    SOLIDWORKS Custom Property

  3. Then, link that custom property to sketch text at the location of your first measurement marking.

    SOLIDWORKS Sketch Text Link to Property

  4. Use the sketch to create either a cut or an extrude feature.

    How to Add Incremental Numbers in SOLIDWORKS

  5. Then, create a linear pattern that references the extrude or cut feature. In this example, I will use the top edge of the part for the direction of the pattern, 0.5” for the spacing and 11 for the instance count. Check the box for Instances to Vary and select the dimension that you linked to the custom property. Then set the increment value to 0.5”.

    Creating Incremental Numbers in SOLIDWORKS Using Instances to Vary

The resulting pattern will automatically increase by 0.5” units per instance generating the measurement marks.

.5 Inch Incremental Numbers in SOLIDWORKS

The instancing can vary in multiple directions and at different increment values. Here the x-axis is incremented by 1, while the y-axis is incremented by 10.

Increment Values for SOLIDWORKS

Change the starting value and increment to “2” for even numbers.

Even Incremental Values in SOLIDWORKS

Utilize a circular pattern to generate the hours on a clock.

SOLIDWORKS Circular Pattern with Incremental Numbers

You can also pattern across multi-body parts for part numberings.

Pattern Across Multi-body Parts for Part Numberings in SOLIDWORKS

There are several ways to use pattern tools to increase productivity and reduce repetitive tasks. I hope this article gives you insight on how to better leverage the power of SOLIDWORKS pattern features and their Instances to Vary function.

Want to learn more? Check out more tips and tricks below. Check out more tips and tricks below. Additionally, join the GoEngineer Community to participate in discussions, create forum posts, and answer questions from other SOLIDWORKS users. 




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About Chris Villeneuve

Chris Villeneuve is a SOLIDWORKS Technical Support Engineer at GoEngineer.

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