SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern Tool Explained

Article by Zach Brown on Apr 07, 2022

If you have ever wanted to pattern a feature and have the patterned instances vary in size/shape/location, the SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern tool can help. SOLIDWORKS understands how the original geometry was created and uses that design intent to create each instance in the pattern. In this tutorial, we'll use a few different examples to explain how the tool works.

Where is the Variable Pattern Tool Located? 

Variable Pattern can be accessed by going to:

  • Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Variable Pattern


  • Features Toolbar > Linerar Pattern Flyout > Variable Pattern SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern Icon

How To Create a Variable Pattern in SOLIDWORKS

For this example, we have a model of a colander with a slot on the bottom surface. We will create a Variable Pattern of this slot and specify some dimension parameters to get variation in the patterned instances.

How to Create a Variable Pattern in SOLIDWORKS

  1. First, highlight the slot in the Feature Manager Design Tree, then go to Insert Pattern/Mirror Variable Pattern. The Variable Pattern PropertyManager shows the slot feature listed in the Features to Pattern box.
  2. Under Table, click Create Pattern Table.

    Create Pattern Table Option in SOLIDWORKS

  3. In the Pattern Table dialog, click Add Instances, then click on the Angle dimension, Slot offset dimension, and Slot length dimension to add them to the table.

    SOLIDWORKS Pattern Table Dialog

  4. For this example, after the dimension columns have been added, we'll change the Angle to 18°, the Slot offset to 25mm, and the Slot length to 25mm, and then click Update Preview. The preview shows the instance variation.

    Update Preview Button SOLIDWORKS Pattern Table Dialog

  5. Next, we will add 18 new instances at once. Type the value and click Add Instances.

    Add Instances in SOLIDWORKS Pattern Table Dialog

  6. As with Microsoft Excel, we can highlight the first two Angle cells then use the grip and drag down to update the remaining cells at 18° apart. 

    Pattern Table in SOLIDWORKS
    Angle Definitions in SOLIDWORKS Pattern Table

  7. We can also use Copy and Paste to edit values. Select the top four cells under Slot offset and Slot length, then right-click and choose Copy. Then we can select the third row down and choose Paste.

    Copy Values in SOIDWORKS Pattern Table Dialog
    Paste Values in SOIDWORKS Pattern Table Dialog

  8. Keep copying every other cell until all dimensions are changed and click Update Preview to see the changes, then click OK.

    SOLIDWORKS Pattern Table Update View Option

  9. After accepting the changes by clicking OK, the Variable Pattern PropertyManager remains. Notice the option to Edit Pattern Table. This can be used to update or add new instances to the pattern. Click OK to accept the feature.

    Accept Feature SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern Tool

Editing Variable Patterns in SOLIDWORKS

For the remainder of this example, we will look at a few ways we can edit/modify a Variable Pattern.

Let’s modify one of the instances manually using Instant3D. On the Feature Toolbar make sure Instant3D is enabled.

Instant3D Tool in SOLIDWORKS

Select a face on one of the instances to pull up the dimensions. We can drag the grip on the dimension to enable the ruler, then drag the dimension to the desired value.

Drag Dimension to Desired Value in SOLIDWORKS

The geometry is updated, and the dimension value changed for that individual instance. If the table were edited, it would show the updated value for the Slot length as well.

Editing Variable Patterns in SOLIDWORKS

Next, expand the Variable Pattern Feature in the Feature Manager Design Tree. Notice that all instances are listed below the feature. Right-click on one of the instances. We can delete an instance, which will remove it from the table, or suppress an instance, which leaves table information intact but removes the geometry.

Delete an Instance in SOLIDWORKS

To edit the table, right-click on the Variable Pattern feature and choose Edit Feature. Click Edit Table Pattern in the Variable Pattern PropertyManager as previously mentioned.

More Examples of Variable Patterns 

Soccer Cleats

In this example, we have the sole of a soccer shoe with cleats varying in size, position, and rotation angle.  

Soccer Cleat Model in SOLIDWORKS

Editing the Variable Pattern feature reveals the use of a Position 3DSketch and a plane normal to the sole’s surface at the sketch point. This is to drive the position of the instances.

Edit Variable Pattern on SOLIDWORKS Soccer Cleat Model

Editing the Pattern Table reveals the dimensions for the Position-3DSketch, plus the Angle and Length of the Spike Sketch.

Editing Pattern Table in SOLIDWORKS

Click on the Variable Pattern to see the dimensions for each instance. Any dimension can be edited on the fly to update the pattern.

SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern Tool Explained

Tread On The Sole of a Shoe

In this example, we have tread on the sole of a shoe made with two Variable Patterns. Extra cuts were placed into the soles after the Variable Pattern.  

Tread on the Sole of a Shoe in SOLIDWORKS

The Seed Features were made with a Thin-feature Cut Extrude using a Spline sketch.  

SOLIDWORKS Seed Feature Made with a Thin-Feature Extrude Using a Spline Sketch

Editing the Pattern Table reveals the dimensions to make the Spline sketch and the depth of the Cut Extrude for each instance. This changes the size, shape, location, and depth of each instance.

Editing Pattern Table to Reveal Dimensions for Spline Sketch in SOLIDWORKS

The SOLIDWORKS Variable Pattern tool is powerful allowing extreme flexibility in your patterns and design intent, without having to recreate similar geometry. I hope this was informative to you and thank you for choosing GoEngineer.

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About Zach Brown

Zach Brown is a certified SOLIDWORKS Expert and a Technical Support Engineer. Prior to working at GoEngineer, he spent 15 years as a mechanical designer, CAD support tech, and instructor using SOLIDWORKS. His hobbies include playing guitar, riding motorcycles, and skiing.

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