SOLIDWORKS Simulation Submodeling Advantages and Limitations

Article by Tim Roberts on Mar 08, 2018

Submodeling in SOLIDWORKS Simulation is a powerful technique to capture boundary conditions from a parent static study and run a more refined study on a much smaller area as a “Submodel” study. However, there is a stringent list of requirements for this to work as follows:

Submodeling Advantages

  • Submodeling can help transfer complex global loads from the entire structure to local regions and obtain accurate stress in a local region.
  • Enables to experiment with different designs for the region of interest.
  • Helps in demonstrating the adequacy of mesh refinements.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Submodeling Pros and Cons

Submodeling Limitations

  • Parent study must have more than 1 body since there is no advantage in using sub modeling studies on a single body.
  • By default, all bodies inside the sub modeling study will be treated as solids (meshed as solids). See help for more details on how you can have shells and beams inside a sub-model study.
  • Parent study cannot have a “No Penetration” contact condition for all bodies.
  • Parent study cannot have all the bodies connected by connectors (bolts, pins, etc).
  • Not available for 2D study
  • Not available for Pure beam-beam bonded contact.

Create SOLIDWORKS Simulation Submodeling Study

I hope you found this article describing the advantages and limitations of SOLIDWORKS Simulation submodeling helpful. Learn more about SOLIDWORKS Simulation below. 

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