SOLIDWORKS PDM users often experience popups that come up upon executing a command such as opening a SOLIDWORKS file. In this case, by default, PDM launches a popup that wants to know if you are opening a file with the intent to modify or make changes to it, or if you are simply opening it to view the file. The prompt, shown below, asks the user if they would like to check the file out. At this point, the user has a choice and is encouraged to decide if they intend to make changes to the file, and thus, check the file out.
Two options within the SOLIDWORKS PDM Administration tool can help automate this process for you if you so choose.
To find this setting, launch the PDM Administration tool, log into the vault as the admin user, select a group or a user, click on settings, then Explorer, and you will see the two options (shown below):
The two options are, check out files when:
You can select one or both options based on your preference. If you select to check out a file when you open it, the file will now open checked out without being prompted to check it out. If there are references associated with the file, such as the part’s drawing, the check out dialog box will launch asking if you also want to check out the reference files.
By default, the file you selected to open will have a check box next to it since PDM now knows you want that file to open and also to be checked out.
If you select to check out the file when you begin to edit a file, by default, PDM will now check out any file that you attempt to execute a change to.
Selecting both options will check out files upon open, as well as when you attempt to edit a file that is not checked out.
Although it can be frustrating to get the constant default pop-up asking if you want to check out the file you are opening, keep in mind that PDM is helping you to take a moment and think about what you intend to do. Not every time do you want to check out a file when you open it, so be cautious using the option to check out upon open.
The same goes with checking it out upon editing the file. Sometimes it is nice to have a read-only file to “play with” without having it checked out. You will need to be the judge on what makes the most sense for your work process. You can always revert by unchecking these options but maybe start with the option to check the file out upon edit first and see how that goes for you.
Creating a .CVS File: SOLIDWORKS PDM Tutorial
SOLIDWORKS PDM Undo Checkout By Other Administrators
How to Change the Language in SOLIDWORKS PDM
Creating Custom Reports in SOLIDWORKS PDM
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