With the Biocompatible material, you can rapidly prototype medical and dental products including dental delivery trays, surgical orthopedic guides, and hearing aids. The medical rapid prototyping materials offer excellent visualization and great dimensional stability.
Biocompatible PolyJet photopolymer (MED610) is a rigid medical rapid prototyping material. It features high dimensional stability and colorless transparency. The material is ideal for applications requiring prolonged skin contact of more than 30 days and short-term mucosal-membrane contact of up to 24 hours. Biocompatible material has five medical approvals including cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, delayed-type hypersensitivity, irritation, and USP plastic class VI. (Biological testing: Parts printed according to Objet MED610 Use and Maintenance Terms were evaluated for biocompatibility in accordance with standard DIN EN ISO 10993-1: 2009, Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process. This addresses cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, delayed hypersensitivity, and USP plastic Class VI, which includes the test for irritation, acute systemic toxicity, and implantation.)
20-30 J/m
75-110 MPa
50-65 MPa
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