In an effort to keep American businesses competitive, many states across the US have enacted workforce training grants to reimburse companies for training expenses. GoEngineer has a proven-track record of helping our customers tap into these state programs to reimburse engineering training investments. Many programs can cover the entire cost of the a typical GoEngineer SOLIDWORKS training course.
While processes vary by state and program, securing a workforce development grant to cover professional training costs follows 6 general steps:
1. Create a Training Plan
Outline who, when, where, and why you need training, and choose a training course that fits your needs.
2. Apply for a Grant
Read the program guidelines to ensure you qualify. Submit your application with your information and training plan.
3. Get Approved
Provide any additional required information and sign your grant agreement with your state program.
4. Enroll in Training
Register, pay for, and complete the training plan outlined in your grant agreement.
5. Submit Receipt
Submit your receipt and proof of training completion to your grant program. Some programs may also require reporting data, like turnover rates or employee wages.
6. Receive Reimbursement
Once your reimbursement request has been processed, you will recieve reimbursement according to the terms in your grant agreement.
Your GoEngineer sales representative can assist you with applying for available grants.
Find Your State Grant Program
GoEngineer has years of experience working directly with state grant programs to ensure our training courses are eligible for funding. Your local sales rep can advise you in the enrollment process for your available grant programs.