NESTINGWorks acts within SOLIDWORKS to automatically nests layouts of parts and assemblies for production. With seamless SOLIDWORKS integration, the application can be used to nest flat and 3D part or assembly models made from sheet stock, like sheet metal, plastics, plates, composites or wood.
NESTINGWorks is an intuitive and simple application with the power to optimize not only your design, but to also maximize the number of parts that can be produces from any standard or custom sheet good.
Fill sheets and minimize material waste with intelligent nesting powered by NestLIB. NESTINGWorks analyzes parts true to shape, and can even nest parts within cutouts of larger parts of the same thickness.
Change your design in SOLIDWORKS, and see your nested layout adapt automatically. This association with 3D SOLIDWORKS assemblies allows communication with manufacturing applications like SOLIDWORKS CAM and DXF exports.
After a job, output and unused material as sketches or DXFs to reuse for a future project.
By specifying sheet stock grain direction during nesting, users can ensure parts are laid out correctly.
Sort parts in an assembly and automatically group and nest parts of the same thickness.