Why doesn’t Excel work for Design Tables now? Office 365 is not supported by SOLIDWORKS and has been known to work or not work sporadically. You will have to install Office 2016 to be compatible with SOLIDWORKS. However, that being said, there is a workaround. Not the most elegant workaround, but you can get there from here.
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Normally, if you wish to drive a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly with a design table, go to the Insert Menu, scroll way down to Tables, and select Design Table. The Design Table dialog box opens in the PropertyManager where you can then select three different types of tables:
Because Office 365 is not supported and only works sporadically, we have to take some different steps to accomplish our goal.
Open a blank or existing Excel sheet in its own window.
Copy the names of any dimensions you wish to drive from the SOLIDWORKS window and paste them as column headings. Row 1 starting with Column 2, into your Excel sheet.
Give the configurations names in Column 1 starting with Row 2. (See note 1.)
NOTE 1 – To make your job easier read the “Slightly Different Procedures to follow” below before putting in the dimension names as column headings.
In the Normal Design Table Process, when you insert your table into your SOLIDWORKS file, it opens Excel within SOLIDWORKS and the header at the top changes to Excel.
If you have chosen New Parameters or New configurations under Options in the Table dialog box you must chose which to use or dismiss the box. Then your spreadsheet appears at the top of your Graphics Window in SOLIDWORKS so you can edit it or add additional things. This will not work with Office 360, and if it does, it's sporadic. So we need some slightly different procedures to make this work.
Once you follow these steps and have your Excel sheet inserted into SOLIDWORKS as a table it works like you would expect except, but in a separate window.
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