Issue Management on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform is a helpful tool for any organization, regardless of size. Whether using it to markup and distribute PDFs or share ideas between the shop floor and Engineering, Issue Management streamlines day-to-day activities. In a nutshell, it lists existing issues based on permissions and lets users create new ones making it easier to collaborate and understand daily tasks.
When you tag someone in your organization to an issue, they'll receive a 3DNotification (a notification on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform) with additional details.
For this example, say you need a colleague to adjust the design of a new drone propeller design project; you can assign them to the task. When assigning it, you can also provide additional notes about changing the material or adding fillets to improve efficiency. However, not all notifications require you to fix a problem. In a similar manner, we can assign users as contributors or tag them in a comment. Either of those triggers a notification. Of course, clicking the link in the notification will take you right to the issue in question, making navigation that much easier.
The Issue Management app has a simple and intuitive interface. Creating new blank issues or from a template is a breeze. Additionally, it’s simple to find and customize views. Once an issue is created, there is a whole host of features included in the app. Within Issue Managementare six key tabs to work with.
Let’s take a closer look at what each of those tabs tells us.
The Properties tab is where all of this issue’s metadata lives. Anything and everything from creation dates, descriptions, priorities, approvals, actions, and notifications are found under properties.
Here’s where things get interesting, and you can keep your CAD components in context. In the Contents tab, we can add files as Affected Items, Resolved By, Resolve Items, or as Contexts of the issue.
In the Members tab, we are able to add users, referred to as members, who are related to or will be working on this issue. Members can be Owners, Co-Owners, Assignees, and Contributors.
Further into the Issue Management app are the Attachment and Comments tabs. They allow users to attach related documentation and update each other with comments about their progress.
One very important aspect of Issue Management within 3DEXPERIENCE is Lifecycle Management, which is easy to visualize within the History tab. Anyone involved with this issue can visualize what happened with it over time. For example, we can understand who approved what and when. We are able to go back in time and review who created it and why. Further, when you tie the history together with lifecycle management, this tab gives us a full view of what happened with this issue over time.
Using a simple, cloud-based interface, the Issue Management application in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform makes creating, understanding, and resolving issues a breeze. Users can leverage the interface to visualize, contribute, and approve issues from anywhere. A key aspect of the app is the related Objects tab, which keeps CAD components and any relevant document in perspective of the issue being discussed. Finally, key stakeholders are able to contribute to the issue at their own time and place.
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