3DEXPERIENCE Platform History Tab to View File History

Article by Randy Simmons on May 29, 2024

In a previous blog, we discussed how to access the history of a file in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using the Collaboration & Approvals app. Until the April 2024 FD2.0 update, this was the only way to see this information on a file. It's now even easier to view these details (and with a lot more information) with the new History tab in the information window.

There are now several places to get this data:

Collaborative Lifecycle app

Open a file in the Collaborative Lifecycle app and either use the Information button on the Lifecycle tab of the bottom toolbar…

3DEXPERIENCE Platform Collaborative Lifecycle

Or access the Information window from the dropdown arrow/menu next to the file name.

File Information 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Lifecycle

Then, simply click on the History tab located at the top.

This will show the in-depth details of anything that was done to the file including when the file was originally added to the vault, revisions, maturity state changes, instance changes, modifications, and more.

View File Information with the History Tab in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

In the upper right-hand corner of the history window are buttons to search through the history, export to a .csv file, or print the history information.

Search, Export, or Print History Information in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Product Release Engineer & 3DProduct Architect

If you own roles for Product Release Engineer (BOM editor) or 3D Product Architect, the new History tab is available in the Information panes there as well.

3DEXPERIENCE Product Release Engineer View File History Information with History Tab

3DEXPERIENCE 3D Product Architect History Tab File Information

For more information on either of these roles/apps please visit our 3DEXPERIENCE Cloud PLM page

As of now, with this first release, the History tab/tool is only available in the three roles/apps shown above. However, for future enhancements, it would be great to have the History tab available anywhere the Information pane is available, (e.g., Relations Explorer, 3Dplay, Product Structure Explorer, and Bookmark Editor) but this is a great start!

I hope you found this quick tip helpful. Check out more 3DEXPERIENCE articles listed below. Additionally, join the GoEngineer Community to participate in the conversation, create forum posts, and answer questions from other SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE users. 

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About Randy Simmons

Randy Simmons in a Sr. 3DEXPERIENCE Specialist at GoEngineer.

View all posts by Randy Simmons