– Flexible, rubber-like material
– Test and verify visual, tactile, and functional applications
– Offers shock absorption & vibration dampening
– Blend with other materials to change properties
• Hardness | elongation | tear resistance
– Soft-touch coatings
– Non-slip surfaces
– Grips | pulls | handles | buttons
– Footwear prototypes
Tango PolyJet simulated rubber materials are used to create soft, flexible prototypes that have rubber-like qualities and offer shock absorption, vibration dampening, and/or non-slip surfaces. Blending these materials with other PolyJet photopolymers allows for various levels of hardness, elongation, and tear resistance.
With many colors and Shore A hardness values available, potential applications include footwear prototypes, soft-touch coatings, and non-slip surfaces.
26-28 Scale A TangoPlus
170-220% TangoPlus
2-4 kg/cm TangoPlus
0.8-1.5 MPa TangoPlus
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