

Sorry, we don't have any 3D Design Camp classes scheduled.  If you are still interested in learning SOLIDWORKS, check out our YouTube channel for tons of free tutorials.


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GoEngineer offers a custom Kids’ Camp to youth as a basic introduction to SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD design & Stratasys 3D printing. Future products are in your hands. During this unique opportunity, discover how you can think beyond limits with cutting-edge technologies that will Shape Your World for years to come!


Check Back for 2024 Dates!

Learn SOLIDWORKS and 3D Printing with GoEngineer 3D Design KId Camps

*One Day Course Curriculum

Introduction to SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD design & Stratasys 3D printing. The instructor will lead the class through basic part design and demonstrate how that design becomes a prototype on our state-of-the-art 3D printers. Students will be able to view our 3D printers in action!

  • Learn to design with SOLIDWORKS
  • No previous CAD experience needed
  • Print a 3D Prototype
  • Meet other future engineers in the making!
  • Ages: 12-18yrs
  • The Camps are FREE!





Enroll your future engineer into GoEngineer's very own 3D Design Camp designed specifically for kids!


Rancho Cordova, CA


San Diego, CA

Lesson 1: Welcome and Intro

Lesson 2: Skate Deck 3D CAD Design  

Lesson 3: 3D PRINTING the Skate Deck

Lesson 4: Skateboard Assembly

Lesson 5: Trick Stair Rail

Lesson 6: Skateboard Drawings


bonus videos

bonus 1: Skate Park Assembly

bonus 2 : 3D Printing in Color

bonus 3 : Exploded Views

bonus 4 : Animations

bonus 5 : Magnetic Mates


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The health and safety of our campers, their families, and our staff is our top priority. In restructuring our program for summer 2021, we have closely followed the recommendations of the CDC and local health officials to ensure that our campers are at the lowest possible risk. Please note that our protocols are subject to change without notice based on recommendations and orders by local health officials and the CDC. Here are the key changes this summer:

• CLASS SIZE: We have capped enrollment to 6 students max.

• SOCIAL DISTANCING: We will have one student per table at all times (*exception for siblings) with the same dedicated instructor(s) throughout the day.

• MANDATORY MASKS: All campers and staff are required to wear an approved mask at all times. The following are the masks approved for use at 3D Design Camp: cloth or paper masks, procedural/surgical masks, and N95 Masks (these masks should be reserved for health care providers and first responders). The following masks are banned for use at 3D Design Camp: neck gaiters, bandanas, masks with exhalation valves, and face shields without an approved mask underneath. See below for more details on approved masks.

• HAND HYGIENE: Hand sanitizer will be available for campers as well as access to restrooms during camp for handwashing using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• NO SHARING: Sharing is not allowed and campers will be reminded to keep their personal belongings with them at all times. We will provide all of the students with their own supplies.

• SAFETY SIGNAGE: The camp will post signs in highly visible locations (e.g., office entrance, break rooms, restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs by properly washing hands and properly wearing a mask.

• PHYSICAL GUIDES: Tape on floors and walkways will be used to ensure that staff and campers remain at least 6 feet apart in lines by creating guides for creating “one way routes” in hallways.

• ROUTINE CLEANING: We have a schedule for increased, routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces.

• DESIGNATED COVID-19 POINT OF CONTACT: We have established a dedicated staff member responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. Two weeks prior to your child's session, you will receive an email with contact information for our COVID-19 point of contact.

• HEALTH SCREENINGS: Parents will be required to complete a health screening (COVID) Google doc the morning of the camp. Upon arrival, staff will conduct a temperature check in a safe and respectful manner.

• ENHANCED STAFF TRAINING: In addition to the standard first aid and safety training our camp staff receives, we have included additional training on recognizing signs and symptoms of illness

3D Design Camp has the following protocols in place should someone get sick during camp:

• STAY HOME: Foremost, campers and/or staff should NOT come to camp AND should notify GoEngineer if any of the following occurs:
o A camper and/or staff member becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms.
o A camper and/or staff member tests positive for COVID-19.
o A camper and/or staff member has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.

• ISOLATION AND TRANSPORTATION: Should a camper display any symptoms of COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath), they will be immediately moved to our designated COVID-19 isolation area until they can safely be picked up by a parent (or in the case of severe illness, transported by an ambulance to the nearest hospital). Staff members with symptoms of COVID-19 will be immediately sent home and replacement staff will be substituted.

• CLOSE CONTACT: The 3D Design Camp defines close contact as anyone who was within 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes.

• CLEAN AND DISINFECT: Areas used by a sick person will be immediately closed off and not used until 1) they have been cleaned and disinfected thoroughly and 2) 24 hours have passed.

• PROPER NOTIFICATIONS: In accordance with state and local laws and regulations, camp administrators will immediately notify local health officials, staff, and families of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Students must properly wear an approved mask at all times while at camp. Our list of approved masks is based on recommendations from John Hopkins University - click here for more details.

APPROVED MASKS - The following masks are approved for use at 3D Design camp:

1. Cloth or Paper Masks: These masks help slow the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and help keep people who unknowingly have the virus from transmitting it to others. Thick, densely woven cottons are good materials for cloth masks.
2. Procedural and Surgical Masks: Although they are not close fitting, these blue disposable masks are fluid resistant and provide some protection from larger respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes. Primarily, they help prevent the wearer from spreading infectious droplets to others.
3. Professional Respirators: Called N95 respirators, these medical devices help prevent exposure to tiny droplets that can be suspended in the air. Health care workers who wear them undergo a fit-test to find the right make, model, and size to ensure a tight seal. N95 respirators should be reserved for health care providers and first responders.

BANNED MASKS -The following masks are banned for use at 3D Design camp:

1. Neck Gaiters: A neck gaiter (a tube of thin, stretchy knit fabric that can be worn around the neck and pulled up to cover the nose and mouth) is too thin to provide adequate protection.
2. Bandanas: A bandanna tied around the face does not work as well as a mask because it is open at the bottom.
3. Masks with Exhalation Valves: Masks with exhalation valves can allow your droplets to escape into the air.

Your child can choose to wear a face shield in addition to one of the approved masks listed above but a face shield is not a substitute for an approved mask nor is it required by the camp. Your child still must wear an approved mask at all times.

We do not accept waivers or exemptions from wearing a face mask. Recently, fake cards and flyers claiming the bearer is exempt from mask-wearing regulations have shown up in some areas. They claim the person carrying them has a physical or mental condition covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that makes them unable to wear a face mask or covering. The United States Department of Justice issued a statement about these fake mask exemptions , explaining that the cards and flyers are fraudulent.

Your child must wear a mask EVEN IF THEY HAVE RECEIVED THE VACCINE. The CDC has stated, "while experts learn more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide under real-life conditions, it will be important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to us to help stop this pandemic, like covering your mouth and nose with a mask, washing hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from others." (click HERE for more details).



"I think this is an extremely unique experience that you guys are offering [SOLIDWORKS Kids Camp] and I really commend you for doing this!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
W. Grant

"My experience was great! My favorite part was probably making the pen. I love the colors! I chose them because they are the colors of my football teams!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
Kathryn , Age 13

"I liked designing our pens and playing around on SOLIDWORKS. I enjoyed my experience because it was fun, educational, and I didn't waste away the day on my iPad."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
 Eli , Age 12

"Thank you for the great session at the Kids Camp. [My daughter] had so much fun while learning to design using SolidWorks – the best combination!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review    
Angie, Mom

"They had so much fun and could not stop talking about their experience. They are already asking me to sign them up for next summer, and to find out if there are more classes offered throughout the year!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review

"I really enjoyed being there. I had lots of fun. Learning to use the software was my favorite part and making the pen was my second favorite thing of the day."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
Rebecca, Age 12

"I applaud you for doing these kid camps. I am happy to see this being done. Great going."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
R. Williams

"My favorite part was assembling the pen and putting it together on the computer."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review  
Jack, Age 12

"They will finally understand what I do on a daily basis. Many thanks to GoEngineer for hosting this event; we need more young creative minds in the industry to improve innovation. Thanks Again!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
J. Knabenschuh

"I really enjoy GoEngineer’s services and think offering this to kids is a great idea! Both boys are very mature, easily teachable, and love to tinker!"

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
M. Bjork

"I had a great time. My favorite part was being able to free-model and model whatever we wanted. I learned many things and that makes me happy because I love to learn and I haven't learned much since school got out."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
Katherine,  Age 13

"My favorite part was being able to express my artistic side through technology. I, [J.Foster] LOVED making 3D models."

GoEngineer Kids Camp Review
J.Foster, 11yrs old

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3D design and part printing services available at GoEngineer

3D Printing Services

Need to 3D print a part? Our Additive Manufacturing experts will 3D print your part and deliver it to you using the latest technology on one of our professional FDM, PolyJet and SL 3D printers.  3D Printing Services

Simulation Services Available at GoEngineer.

Simulation Services

GoEngineer's CAE consultants help you design better products faster. Our advanced FEA & CFD services provide critical engineering insight to world-class OEMs, suppliers, and start-ups alike.Simulation Services