SOLIDWORKS PDM: Input Formula Aliases

Article by Miguel de Villa on May 08, 2024

SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional has a powerful feature in data cards known as an input formula. Using this option allows for the post-processing of information on the data card itself upon user interaction. An input formula allows an Editbox control to concatenate text from different fields, do arithmetic functions, or even evaluate alias sets.

This blog post goes over how to use an input formula alias to fulfill a common application where a user would select a primary variable (an address, in this case) of a customer and then a secondary field evaluates the appropriate CAGE code for said customer.

Example of a Data Card and Titleblock in SOLIDWORKS PDM

Alias List Example:

Address (Primary Variable) CAGE Code (Secondary Variable)
3350 Scott Blvd Building 44 Santa Clara CA 95054 GOESC
3043 Gold Canal Dr Suite 101 Rancho Cordova CA 95670 GOSAC
739 E Fort Union Blvd Midvale UT 84047 GOEUT


For example, if the user is making a drawing for the 3350 Scott Blvd site, they pick it from the drop-down menu and a secondary field then evaluates it as GOESC for the corresponding Cage Code. Alias sets like these are extremely useful for pairing different but related fields on a data card together.


If the desired fields and lists already exist on the data card, skip to Step 5 for the input formula syntax and how to apply it.

  1. Log into Administration Tool and local view with Admin Credentials
    1. Open the Administration Tool, then double-click and log into PDM Vault.

      Log Into PDM Vault Administration Tool

    2. Right-click on Variables and click Open.

      Open Variables in SOLIDWORKS PDM

  2. Create Data Card Variables
    1. Select New Variable.

      Add New Variable SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional

    2. Name the variable Address and assign variable mapping.

      SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Variable Example Address

      Address is intended to be a Text-type variable that will eventually evaluate as a linked annotation field in a SOLIDWORKS drawing so it receives the CustomProperty variable mapping. 
    3. Select New Variable again. 
    4. Name the Variable Cage Code and assign variable mapping as desired.

      SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Variable Example CAGE Code

    5. Click OK to save the variables.

  3. Create Address List
    1. Open Lists Card List > right-click and click New List.

      Create Address List in SOLIDWORKS PDM

    2. Name the List name Address and the Data type Text.

      Create Address List Name in SOLIDWORKS PDM

    3. Copy and paste addresses into the Data field.

      Completed List in SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional

      Make sure that each new address is on a new line. Each new line will be a different entry in the droplist control on the data card.

    4. Save the Card List.

      Save Completed Data Card List in SOLIDWORKS PDM

  4. Create Controls for Address and CAGE Code
    1. Administration Tool Cards > right-click on file card.

      Open SOLIDWORKS PDM File Card

    2. Login to PDM local view with admin credentials as necessary.
    3. Create a Droplist control and assign it the Address variable.

      Create a Droplist control and assign it the Address variable in SOLIDWORKS PDM

    4. In the Properties for Special Value, choose the list Address.

      SOLIDWORKS PDM Droplist Properties Special Value Options

    5. Create an Editbox control and assign it to the CAGE Code variable.

      SOLIDWORKS PDM Editbox Control CAGE Code

  5. Create Input formula
    1. Select the CAGE Code control, find the Input formula field at the bottom of the Properties menu in the bottom-right corner, and select “

      Select Input Formula SOLIDWORKS PDM

    2. This will open a separate window to make it easier to type in.

      New Input Formula Text Window in SOLIDWORKS

    3. Use the following syntax, making sure to separate each alias set with a comma: 
      1. %VariableName(…)% establishes which variable’s output on is going to be looked at for the alias.
      2. Value 1 = Value 2 creates the aliased value relationship. This must be done for each paired set of values.

        Example: %Address (Address1 = CAGECode1 , … , Address3 = CAGECode3)%

        Example SOLIDWORKS PDM Input Formula

    4. Click OK and Save the data card.


A field with an input formula needs a user to interact with the card in order to evaluate. Even if there were a default value assigned for the Address field, the CAGE Code field would not resolve. When applied correctly, the data cards fields will look something like this.

SOLIDWORKS PDM Input Formula Aliases Tutorial

When implementing this method, it is advisable to use the card list feature and droplist controls to organize data entry for the primary variable as this method is highly sensitive to syntax errors. Additionally, because a comma is used as a separator in the input formula, the primary and secondary values must be devoid of commas. 

I hope you found this article explaining how to input formula aliases in SOLIDWORKS PDM helpful. Learn more about SOLIDWORKS PDM below.


Default Expressions in SOLIDWORKS PDM Data Cards


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How to Search for Variables That Have Been Left Blank in SOLIDWORKS PDM Data Cards

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About Miguel de Villa

Miguel de Villa is a SOLIDWORKS Elite Applications Engineer with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, San Diego. He’s been working at GoEngineer since 2017 helping customers with all their SOLIDWORKS, Simulation and PDM needs. In his free time he enjoys working with his 3D printer, playing video games and building model kits.

View all posts by Miguel de Villa