This is part of a series of articles aimed towards providing the basics of creating queries for SOLIDWORKS PDM vault databases. Administrators will be able to collect data for their own purposes that are not attainable from SOLIDWORKS PDM out-of-the-box search features.
This article guides through the process of creating a read-only SQL user account in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
If your company has a Database Administrator, and you have been granted access to perform queries against your vault database, request your read-only user to your Database Administrator or IT. There are many ways to create a read-only user and they may have the best way for you and your company.
Follow this guide if you do not have a Database Administrator but still wish to use your granted access to query your PDM vault database.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Database: Query Planning
About Francisco Guzman
Francisco Guzman is the PDM Technical Support Lead at GoEngineer, and is pursuing his degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Utah. In addition to providing guidance and support to SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS PDM customers, Francisco also provides support for DriveWorks design automation. He won the world-wide DriveWorks reseller CPD contest as the best DriveWorks AE for 2015. For fun, he designs, 3D-Prints, builds and races custom first-person-view (FPV) racing drone frames.
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