Many of my coworkers are into drones, and they talked me into buying one. Once I got my drone, I noticed that the propellers are not protected as you’ll see in the image below. I don’t trust myself to not bump into objects and tear or break the props, or both. So, I decided to 3D print a prop guard to give myself some peace of mind. Besides, we want to keep the hallways scratch-free if we turn the corporate office into a racetrack after hours (don’t tell my boss).
Figure 1: Drone with unprotected propellers
Figure 2: Sketch of drone dimensions
I decided to design my own propeller guard. I pulled out my calipers and measured my drone and was able to get a close approximation of where the propellers would be spinning. See figure 2 above. To verify my measurements, I printed a template of my design. The joy of having a 3D printer when designing; is the ability to print test pieces from the beginning stages to see, handle, and check the fit. As you can see in Figure 3, I went through several iterations and adjusted some dimensions until I was happy with the fit.
Figure 3: Templates to test the size and fit
Now that it looks and fits fantastic! It’s time to go fly and hopefully not destroy anything.
Figure 4: Completed prop guard on drone
About Brandon Harris
Brandon is a BYU-Idaho graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is an avid tinkerer, and consummate rapid prototype hobbyist with prior experience designing for the Architectural/Construction industry. Brandon is part of the technical support team for GoEngineer serving as a PDM specialist since August 2018.
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